Autism Spectrum Disorder: Causes and Symptoms

Supriya blink
2 min readJun 10, 2021


Autism spectrum disorder is a condition where the development of the brain is limited. It directly impacts how a person perceives and communicates with others. ASD causes problems in social interactions and communications.

Common causes of autism spectrum disorder

There are no single causes known for this disorder. Since it is a complex problem, both genetics and environment play a role in its severity.

Genetics: Most of the time, autism spectrum disorder is associated with a genetic disorder like Rett syndrome. It might also be caused because of inherited genetic mutations.

Environment: It has been discovered that factors such as medications, viral infections, or complications during pregnancy can trigger ASD.

Common symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

A person can develop ASD at any age, and the symptoms commonly depend on the age of the person. Some common signs shown by people with autism spectrum disorder are given below. A person with ASD may-

  • Resist physical touch or eye contact.
  • Loses ability to say words or speak.
  • Cannot express emotions.
  • Speaks in an abnormal tone.
  • Performs repetitive actions.
  • Performs self-harming activities.
  • Usually sensitive to light, sound, or touch.
  • Has specific food preferences.

Consult the experts to diagnose if you witness such symptoms in your loved ones. ASD treatment is available, and a person recovers in no time.



Supriya blink

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